About Us

Our History

Our Mandate

Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society’s goal is to rebuild the wild Coho population in local streams and restore Chinook, Chum and Pinks in historically used creeks.

  • to encourage the return of wild salmon runs;
  • to enhance the creeks by repairing and creating additional habitat; 
  • to monitor and protect existing habitat, ensuring the miracle of salmon for future generations.

To achieve these goals, four major areas need to be addressed:

  • Inclusion: Involvement and education of the public on the importance of non-degraded habitat/watercourses for salmon survival.
  • Restoration: Increasing the survival rate of wild salmon and restoring their runs.
  • Enhancement: Repair of creek, river and riparian habitat.
  • Monitoring: Protection of fish, creeks and riparian habitat.
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