Thanks to Dave Sands for the excellent photography and captions!
In the summer of 2016 the Rosewall Creek received needed rehabilitation to enhance stream keeping and salmon survival.
Enjoy these photos of the project, to see a bigger picture click on the image you wish to see.
Rosewall Creek is the main coho salmon creek in the Fanny Bay Salmonid
Enhancement Society's area and is the water source for the hatchery.
Erosion has filled the Rosewall Creek stream bed and low water flow in
hot months results in fish deaths. The stream bed will be deepened by
moving gravel to the banks.
Tree trunks are buried into stream banks and cabled in place in Rosewall
Creek as part of a BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
stream bank restoration and protection project. The trunks and other
vegetation will help to control the water flow and provide shelter and
food sources for spawning salmon.